At the end of 2022, we have successfully upgraded and extended the Real Time Traffic Information System and National Access Point ( to support the latest DATEXII 3rd generation standard.

The DATEXII v3.3 standard consists of several parts (CEN/TS 16157-1:2018, 16157-2:2019, 16157-3:2018, 16157-4:2021, 16157-5:2020, 16157-7:2018, 16157-8:2020, 16157-9:2020).

DATEXII v3.3 introduces some key conceptual and substantive changes to the standard, in line with the rapid evolution and transformation of ITS services in the recent period. DATEXII v3.3 introduces a clear separation between data and the way the data is exchanged. Version 3.3 also ensures interoperability between different profiles. Based on new technologies (UML2, XMI2.1), version 3.3 is also faster and more end-user friendly compared to version 2.

The new version of the standard offers a modular framework to support real-life use cases, with the possibility of customised profiles containing only the necessary (selected) elements, making it easier to add new standard content types compared to the previous version.

In addition, DATEXII v3.3 supports different methods for location referencing (Alert-C, Linear referencing system, OpenLR, GML, TpegLoc), which were previously only available as public extensions.

As part of the project, the DATEXII v3.3 profile was created for:

  • travel times;
  • safety-related traffic information;
  • traffic flow;
  • energy infrastructure (vehicle charging infrastructure);
  • traffic regulation;
  • diverting traffic flows;
  • traffic management plans;
  • parking profile for static and dynamic data;
  • weather stations;
  • traffic counters;
  • a camera profile which is built with level B extensions to support all the necessary additional camera metadata;
  • Variable Message Signalling Profile (VMS) for static and dynamic data;

With DATEXII v3.3, the official TISA DATEXII SRTI ("Safety-Related Traffic Information") profile based on the "TISA DATEXII event list SRTI for the delegated regulation on the free provision of Safety Related Traffic Information" is now also available for the first time, integrated into the National Access Point (NAP) services, thus also ensuring compliance with the EU Commission Delegated Regulation 886/2013 supplementing Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to data and procedures for the provision of information to users in relation to road safety.
