In accordance with Article 64(2) of the Public Procurement Act (PPA-3), an expert dialogue will be held with potential and interested tenderers on Monday 11 March 2024 at 10:00, prior to the procurement procedure Upgrading of the macroscopic 4-stage traffic model for the NTMC.

To this end, we publish here the technical specifications of the subject procurement and invite potential tenderers to review and comment on the content of the technical specifications in advance and to send any ambiguities or questions to us by e-mail ( no later than 06.03.2024.

The subject procurement will upgrade the existing macroscopic 4-stage traffic model for hourly and daily traffic. The hourly traffic model is the basis for the operation of the dynamic traffic simulation model, as the matrices for each hour of the day, the number of vehicles on the section and the traffic network from the macroscopic traffic model are the input data for the dynamic simulation model.

The results of the macroscopic traffic model are the basis for:

  • forecasting traffic loads for new measures on the transport network;
  • the production of statistical traffic analyses;
  • data input into the National Congestion Register (NCR) and from the NCR into the macroscopic traffic model or PTV Visum;
  • road infrastructure management and governance;
  • transport, environmental and economic evaluation of infrastructure solutions.

Interested potential tenderers are invited to a preliminary expert dialogue for the subject procurement on Monday, 11.03.2024, at 10.00, at the premises of the National Traffic Management Centre (NTMC), Dragomelj 116, Domžale. Please make your attendance known in advance by e-mail ( no later than 06.03.2024.

