An upgrade of integrated public passenger transport (IJPP) systems is being carried out to provide dynamic data by upgrading IJPP terminals with all means of transport included in the IJPP system ( Functional provision of dynamic IJPP data on the realization of planned public passenger transport routes in real time is carried out by upgrading the GTFS (from »General Transit Feed Specification« to »GTFS Realtime«). At the same time, the SIRI web service will be established in accordance with data structures to provide exchange of data according to CEN/TC 278 standards (Transmodel, NeTEX and SIRI and OpenAPI). The contractor will provide the data of vehicles in motion (»raw Floating Car Data«) for public passenger transport and ensure their continuous transmission in real time to the NTMC information system (National Traffic Management Center).

At the same time, the project »Integration of traffic management in the National Center for Traffic Management 2«, co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility 2016-SI-TM-0229-W, is being carried. As part of the »A3 - Multimodal Services« activity, multimodal services at all levels are being integrated, from national to regional, including cross-border connections (such as the pilot solution of the »LinkingDaunube« project). In line with this, another public procurement is under way: »Implementation of the multimodal interface OpenAPI and web route planner« ( We are integrating a local route planner in conjunction with a central distributed travel planner for the Danube Region Journey Planner (DJRP) and connecting the local LJP access point to a central hub (»CN - Central Node«). The main goal of the public procurement is to provide the necessary resources (infrastructure, data and interfaces) for the operational connection to the central system.

The content will be available on the website of the single NAP to multimodal traffic information ( in addition to the national NeTEx profile, which is to be implemented.